September is in the books, it's time for another report!
It was a productive month for the team as we continued to press on with animations and engine work in the Father's Story. Some of the largest scenes of the story got their character animations completed. We also touched base with some music talent that we got contact with via a fellow Indonesian that Yohana knows. It's still early to say if we'll be working with them on music for The Father's Story but, it's promising.
While we can't exactly share the details, they have worked on some big AAA projects for some titles that a lot of gamers are aware of. However, as with everything, time will tell and we're likely going to be having some meetings during the month of October to figure this all out.
Either way, it's good news for the project that is marching onward towards it's release. Given the time period of the story, we are certainly going to be targeting a holiday season release date of some kind. However, with what needs to be done this year, we're giving a very conservative estimate of a release for next year. It would be too rushed if we pushed it in before December and we don't want to do that.
Moving on, Dust and Air development will be looking at some evaluations for conversion into Unity during the month of October. We touched base with Michael again on our converter program development and we're hoping he gets something solid put together shortly.
Also in September, we moved forward with Ingrid on some concept work for some major characters in Dust and Air. There was also a few little expressions that she worked out for Father's Story before we shifted her over. Nothing major, just some that got missed. As we continue, we're going to be continuing to work with her for Dust and Air since her art style is not too far from Georgy's and it should benefit final production work later when we get to it.
October we'll be continuing on more with our work with the goal of getting The Father's Story in a playable alpha by year end. Given holidays coming up, we also need to factor those in but we're confident it will be at a great place when new years comes around.
Alright, that's it for September! See you next month and see you in the skies!!