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The Broken Hammer Team

Our current team consists of writers, artists, and muscians from both the United States and as far away as Russia.



The Team

Project Manager, Lead Writer, and Founder/CEO of Broken Hammer Games

Hi I'm Joshua Wise. West Coast, USA native and Founder of Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out. In education it seemed teachers did everything they could to discourage me from a career in gaming. Then to finally getting weird looks in churches when I'd mention I'm an anime fan.


Besides that, I've been an avid gamer all my life from FPS to MMOs. My experience extends from merely a player, to running guilds and hosting gaming events for competitive communities.


My writing has evolved over the years, especially with developing visual novels. Where once I merely did it as a hobby and to get the grades in school, I now have a writing style which fits in with visual novels perfectly.


I've degrees and certifications in both business and science. Specifically business management and forestry.

Art Director/Lead Artist

Hi I'm Georgy Valerianov. Moscow, Russia and Lead Artist for Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out.

General Theme Composer

Hi I'm Cody. West Coast, USA and Lead Muscian for Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out.

Concept and Key Image Artist

Hi I'm Conn Hughes. England, UK and a team artist for Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out.

Character Theme Composer

Hi I'm Eanna Brown. Ireland, UK and a team muscian for Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out.

Company VP, Concept Artist

Hi I'm Ryan Doezie. West Coast, USA and part of the management team for Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out.

Business Advisor

Hi I'm Eric Sellman. Minnsota, USA and part of the management team for Broken Hammer Games.


I'm a nail that sticks out.

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